Month in Review

July 2023

Patient Spotlight

We have so many patients at Speech Pathway who have long journeys that require incredibly hard work from their entire family and we want to start recognizing them for the effort they put in daily! Each month we’ll be highlighting a few of our patients who have shown so much improvement throughout their marathon in speech therapy. See our amazing patients below!

Cora T.

Cora is a very sweet four year old who has been in therapy a little over two years. She’s had an incredible journey and touched so many people at Speech Pathway with her smile. Her caregivers are especially proud of her progress, “Cora can now say her own name! She is also communicating in full sentences. She has become so confident in her speech and loves to strike up conversation at home. When we can’t understand her, she has learned to slow down and focus on her sounds so we can understand what she is saying. Cora has made such amazing progress these past few months and we are so proud of her! Cora has a big imagination and loves to play with her LOL dolls and her cow stuffed animals, which she calls her ‘moo moos’. When we go places she carries her dolls in her ‘moo moo pack pack’. She is happiest playing in water! Whether it’s bath time, pool time, or a bowl of water at the table, you can expect her LOL dolls to be right there too!” Miss Amy gets to work with Cora each week and adores so much about her, especially her smile and her passion for all things cow. ”She gets so excited to come to therapy and works hard at every session. Cora has found her voice and loves to talk to anyone and everyone she can, especially if SHE can be the one to give them directions! She is curious and wants to know about everything; always asking questions and knows what she likes. This smart, brave, kind girl is going to change the world!” We’re so lucky that we’ve gotten to witness your journey, Cora! Way to go!

Lincoln A.

Lincoln is an amazing four year old who has been in therapy for three years. She’s made incredible progress in that time and it’s such a joy to watch her grow in her abilities with us. Lincoln can tell you her name and age, spell her name, count to 20, say/identify all of her alphabet letters and basic shapes, participate in social greetings, and use longer sentences when requesting. The best part? Lincoln can say so much unprompted each day, which is a huge accomplishment! Her mother is especially proud of her accomplishments. “Linc is a fun, silly, and active girl who loves Minnie Mouse, Oreos, and swimming. She did great in PreK 3 this last year by meeting a lot of her IEP goals! It has been incredible to watch Lincoln progress in her language expressively and receptively. She continues to impress us each week when her words become more and more intelligible. Our favorite is when she says, ‘I wuv zoo.’ “ Mr. Kirk loves working with Lincoln each week! “I love her personality and smile and the way she looks at me with her sweet face when she wants to play something. She’s a fun and active little girl who enjoys life.” We’re so grateful to get to experience life with you, Lincoln! Thank you for bringing your joy to the clinic!

Nicholas M.

Nicholas is an awesome nine year old who has been in therapy for six years. It’s amazing how much he’s able to express himself, engage in conversation, and interact with other kids during games and school work. His mother is especially proud of the person he’s becoming. “He is very loving and determined to achieve anything he puts his mind to.” We’ve seen that in therapy, which is why Nicholas continues to make so much progress. Mr. Michael works with Nicholas each week and is so proud of his progress. “I love Nicholas’s creativity, work ethic, and his willingness to try and learn new things. You also can’t forget his electric smile!” Thank you for working so hard each week, Nicholas! You’re the best!

At Speech Pathway, we believe that communication is the key to unlocking opportunities and building meaningful connections. With our motto, “making communication simple,” we strive to empower individuals of all ages to express themselves confidently and effectively. But what truly sets us apart is the deep-rooted dedication and personal touch that comes from being a family-owned business. 

For us, Speech Pathway is not just a business—it’s a testament to our commitment to helping others. Each member of our work family brings a unique set of skills and expertise to the table, creating a dynamic team that is driven by passion and compassion. We believe in treating every client like a part of our extended family, providing individualized care and support every step of the way.

As a family-owned and operated business, we take immense pride in our ability to provide personalized services tailored to your specific needs. We understand that no two individuals are alike, and we go above and beyond to ensure that our services meet your expectations and exceed them. Your success is our success, and we are honored to be a part of your journey towards improved communication. 

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for trusting us with your communication needs. Your continued support has allowed us to grow and thrive as a family-owned business, and we are truly grateful for the opportunity to serve our community. 

So, whether you or a loved one is in need of speech therapy, language assessments, or communication strategies, remember that at Speech Pathway, you are not just a patient—you are family. Together, let’s make communication simple and empower everyone to reach their fullest potential. 

Thank you for being a part of our journey!

Spotlight on: July Intense Academy

July Intense Academy was incredible. We thought June couldn’t be beat, but with a different set of campers this month, we’re unsure which camp was better! We had five campers during this session, two of which traveled from out of state! We met friends from New Mexico and Florida who traveled all the way to Oklahoma City to receive the best intervention the south has to offer, if we do say so ourselves. It was amazing watching the growth that happened in just two weeks.

Our new building was a highlight, as it provided space to transition, predictability, and of course, the crowd favorite: Tiny Town. The playground outside was another highlight, but with the weather heating up, it was just too nice in the air conditioning to pass it up! This group of campers was younger, so the growth in their communication skills in two weeks was incredible to witness. They all became close friends after their time together, which is something we love so much about Intense Academy. The communication goals are always something we anticipate, but the community-building and acceptance it provides is always a blessing. We love watching these campers form relationships to help their independence and confidence grow.

The parent training sessions are always a highlight as well. We’re so grateful for parents who come and participate in the sessions; always eager to take home information to help their children. Miss Emily loves the chance to share information so parents are more equipped to help their children at home. “It’s awesome to hear parents share their stories and connect with each other, as well as share their own knowledge. It is truly a unique opportunity to be surrounded by other parents who are on a similar journey and strive to empower each other.”

It’s been another successful year of summer camps, whether it be Intense Academy or our first opportunity to try Speech Spot and Kid Connect! We were grateful for the families that attended any one of our camps and we hope you loved it! There’s no need to be upset about the summer winding down, because after a short break, we’re back with social groups! Which brings us to our next point…

Social group registration is up and running for ages preschool through adolescent! Our highly trained and experienced staff is dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive space where your child can thrive and build lasting friendships. We combine exciting activities, games, and interactive sessions to make learning enjoyable and impactful, all while forming important social connections! Head over to our social groups page for times, days, ages, and registration!

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Storme Jones!

Miss Abby got married on July 29, 2023, and we have to say it was amazing! We couldn’t be happier for the Joneses! Speech Pathway loved celebrating with them on their special day, watching the love abound, and tearing it up on the dance floor. Miss Abby loved having Braum’s ice cream at the reception, the best dance floor, and having her Speech Pathway family there on her special day. “We are overwhelmed with thankfulness for the most perfect day spent with all our family and friends! We can’t wait for forever. We are so blessed!” Although we’re missing Miss Abby while she’s on her honeymoon, we’re excited for you all to celebrate with her when she returns! Make sure to tell her congratulations!

Is your child on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)?

Or do you feel like your child should be receiving services in school? Head over to our page on public school services and it may be able to help you out! Ask your clinician if your child is 3 years or older about receiving services in the public school system!

Speech-Language Therapy

School Settings vs. Medical / Private Practice Settings

Speech-language therapy is provided by speech-language pathologists (SLPs), who are highly trained professionals with a master’s degree and have experience in assessing and treating communication disorders. SLPs can work in a variety of settings, including schools, hospitals, outpatient clinics, nursing homes, rehab centers, and private practice. Many SLPs work in more than one setting.

In the United States, SLPs in different settings have different laws, guidelines, and requirements that must be followed regarding who can be seen for therapy, how long, and for which disorders.

School Setting

  • All therapy services in the school setting are provided through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), which is a legal document.
  • When determining eligibility for and developing an IEP, the school’s team must consider what the student’s needs are in order to access general education curriculum.
  • To qualify for speech-language therapy, a student must demonstrate a speech or language disorder that negatively impacts his/her ability to learn and communicate effectively in the school setting.
  • Two important concepts that schools are legally bound to consider are FAPE (Free and Appropriate Education) and LRE (Least Restrictive Environment).
  • LRE means that the goal is to remove the student from the general education environment as little as possible, while meeting the student’s individual needs. This must be considered when determining length and frequency of therapy.
  • Cost: Free (paid by state/federal gov’t through taxes)

Medical/Private Practice Setting

  • Therapy services in a medical or private practice setting are generally provided through health insurance or private pay.
  • Eligibility for therapy does not depend on academic impact.
  • Frequency and duration of therapy are usually determined by insurance policy guidelines or what the therapist recommends. (especially with private pay)
  • Cost: Varies. (Depends on insurance policy and/or therapist)

Is a Private SLP better than a School SLP?

All speech-language pathologists are required to take the same classes, have the same amount of supervised clinical experiences, and take the same tests to receive their degree and license to practice.

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P. 405. 603. 6622
F. 405. 722. 3244
E. [email protected]


8007 NW 122nd St. 
Oklahoma City, OK 73142


Monday – Friday 
7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.